Additional Resources
It's all about making connections. Here you will find referral sources, community connections, links to articles and books that I have found particularly relevant to health and healing, and much more. Please check back regularly as I am always updating this list. Would you like to be featured on my resources page? Please contact me. Thank you!
Practitioner Directory
A multi-pronged approach to healing is the best approach to healing... We are so fortunate here on the seacoast to have a wide array of healers and health care providers. It can be tough to choose! The following list of practitioners are people I have personally received treatments from and can wholeheartedly recommend without hesitation! I hope this list is helpful for you.
Dr. Angela Lambert, ND, L.Ac.
Dr. Margaux French, ND
(603)431-6677 x 242
Laura Grimsted, LMT
Jessica Blasko, PT
Paul Caswell, LMT
Scott Danner, LMT
Community Connection
The seacoast is a vibrant community - not only is it home to many wonderful healthcare providers, but it is also home to fantastic tradespeople, business owners, shop keepers and more. Part of having peace of mind isn't just enjoying that great weekly yoga class, it's also about knowing that that project you need done is going to get done, and done well! The following list is a resource for you:
McNicholas Construction
Oomph Salon
Portsmouth Juicery
Port City Makerspace
Spinnaker Point Rec Center
Portsmouth Health Food
Yoga by Donation
Durbin Law
Suggested Reading
You are what you read! When most of us think about health, we think about fitness and exercise, diet, check-ups with our doctor, regular visits to our massage therapist, and more, but rarely do we think about literature as part of our health. We are what we eat, and we are also what we read! Here is a list of books I recommend as trusty companions on your journey to health. Check back for updates!
Why We Dance
Kimerer L. LaMothe
Peace is Every Step
by Thich Nhat Hanh
When Things Fall Apart
by Pema Chodron
Your Inner Physician and You
by Dr. John Upledger
Yoga Sutras of Patanjali
by Patanjali
Anatomy of Hope
by Dr. Jerome Groopman
The Grain Brain Cookbook
by David Perlmutter, MD
Born to Run
by Christopher McDougall