Kundalini Yoga

What is Kundalini Yoga?

Instead of focusing mostly on the physical aspect of yoga, which often is the case in yoga classes in the West, Kundalini Yoga incorporates the various branches, or limbs, of yoga. In a Kundalini class you will be guided through dynamic physical exercises in addition to learning powerful breathing techniques (pranayama), guided meditations, mudras (sacred hand positions) and mantra (sacred repetition of words or sounds).  There are many benefits to practicing Kundalini yoga, such as increased energy levels, improved focus, enhanced creativity, improved digestion, a stronger immune system, increased lung capacity, greater ease, and of course the new friendships made by participating in your local sangha, or yoga community!

Kundalini Yoga has its roots in the ancient Vedic texts of India. Kundalini was originally the science of energy and spiritual philosophy, before the physical practices of yoga were developed. Now Kundalini incorporates asanas, or physical exercises. This makes it a truly integrative style of Yoga, unique in that it affords the practitioner the opportunity to dive deep into the art and science of yoga, and experience for themselves its transformative power.

If you would like to book a private class or a private small group class you can book online or contact me.